
BST Bio Sensor Technologie GmbH was founded in Berlin in 1991. The company’s roots go back to 1975, when biosensor research began in Germany under Prof. F. W. Scheller at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Buch. The results of this work were the first European blood glucose meter Glukometer GKM based on a biosensor (1982) and the first blood glucose laboratory analyzer ECA 20 (1986).

1975|Biosensor research in Germany begins at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin under Prof. F. W. Scheller
1982|The first European blood glucose meter based on a biosensor is launched on the market (Glucometer GKM)
1986|Together with PGW Dresden, the first blood glucose laboratory analyzer ECA 20 is developed and distributed in Europe via Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz Hamburg
1991|Foundation of BST Bio Sensor Technologie GmbH
1995|A new generation of analyzers with BST reusable biosensors comes onto the market: EBIO family (ENH Hamburg) and Biosen family (EKF Barleben)
2000|Market launch of thick-film biosensors for glucose and lactate on laboratory analyzers 2004|Market launch of reusable biosensors for measurement in whole blood on POCT devices 2009|BST introduces GLUKOMETERPRO and LACPRO, the second generation of mobile POCT devices
2012| Market launch of the LABTREND laboratory analyzer
2018| 2nd generation of the LABTREND laboratory analyzer